Sunday, May 11, 2008


I used to get really offended when someone would try to pass a forged prescription to me. I'd take it they think I'm that stupid (cuz I already know they're idiots)? Then I had an epiphany (spelling?) and realized that they're too stupid to know they are stupid and that they'll never know they're stupid...because they're stupid.

So, on Friday I get this stupid woman forger. She and her male cohort are so stupid they don't even see me watch them go to their car to leave (and jot down their plate number). She is stupid enough to come in today to pick it up even though we made her wait an eternity on Friday while I talked to her prescriber's office staff...duh...big red light if you have to wait more than 45 min! ...stupid... So my favorite part is when I trick them into coming in to pick up the prescription I supposedly have ready for them. I like to position them under the camera and give them the schpeeeel about how I spoke to their Dr. and that the prescription is not valid and how the office requested that I have her come in so I could have her on video in case they decide to prosecute (then I point to the camera - they always look...stupid...)...and then (for this one) I throw in the fact that there was welfare insurance involved and that that could lead to a Federal offense where she could go to prison and become Ursula's lover (I really leave that part out...sorry if I offended anyone...). I love it when they profess their innocence and act like they didn't know...stupid... I made someone cry once...but that's a story for another day....

I'll probably get shot one day going to my car...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE it when they're dumb enough to wait around long enough for the COPS to show up! HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I agree with sickofstupidpeople. That's always the most entertaining part.