Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have something to say...and it will only make sense to a few of you...

To the "mean"-sayer... I'm not "mean". I'm "direct". I don't plan to do malicious things to you. To the one who started this "mean"-thing I say...You know who you are...and, just to be "nice", I'm going to tell you a "direct" truth: I didn't lick the got trapped and sucked into a big mess by one of your own employees. Further, everyone you told about the gum is laughing at you behind your back and calling you a neurotic mess (yes, go take your blood pressure for the 40th time today...oh, that is probably "mean"...). At first I thought it was amusing that your gossip was backfiring on you, but then I felt sorry for you and tried to defend your ignorance. Now, since you insist on continuing with your own special brand of "mean"-ness, I just listen and laugh (maybe that is "mean"...)... I do take solace in the fact that I don't need to call home when I'm away to have someone unplug my stove for fear that someone will break in, cook a roast and burn my house down...

To the "bully"-caller... This is to the "ex". Good God! Shut up! Stop telling everyone how I "bullied" you! My reputation will be ruined if they find out I "bullied" you into letting me pay all your bills for more than 3 months after I divorced you and you moved out... Please don't tell anyone how I "bullied" you into not paying child support for 3 months so you could get on your feet... Please oh please don't tell anyone that I "bullied" you into letting me pay your first and last months rent, damage and pet deposit on your new place... Don't tell anyone that I "bullied" you into cancelling medical coverage for our daughter so I could cover her on my own... I would just die if you told anyone how I "bullied" you into not working more than 20 hours each week for the last 2 years of our marriage and "bullied" you into letting me hire a maid to clean up after you while I was working 12 hour shifts... And, most recently...please don't tell anyone how I "bullied" you into letting me pay for our daughter's car, Drivers Ed and car insurance all on my own - that could be catastophic for my reputation...I wouldn't want anyone to think I'm "nice" or anything...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You GO girl! Yay for the Mean Team!